Med. m. Dr Vilma Brimienė

Radiologist, echoscopist

This is one of the best echoscopists in Lithuania, who will professionally assess the condition of your internal organs! Echoscopic examinations can quickly and reliably diagnose diseases of the thyroid gland, breasts, abdominal organs, kidneys and bladder, pelvic organs and more. This is especially important for diagnosing the disease at an early stage!

Licence No.

MPL-11917 Radiologist


2008 m. defended his PhD thesis


Grenoble University Hospital(France)

Mulhouse Hospital radiology department (France)

University Clinics of Heidelberg (Germany)

Upgrading your qualifications

Registration for the visit

To register for the service, please call or fill in this registration form and we will contact you to arrange the best time and service for you.

Registration by phone

+370 618 11108