Individual counselling for adults and couples. Individual psychological counselling, clinical psychological assessment, sessions on addictions, stress management, interpersonal skills and other topics.
Individual counselling for adults and couples. Individual psychological counselling, clinical psychological assessment, sessions on addictions, stress management, interpersonal skills and other topics.
ASL-01059 Medical psychologist
2021 - 2022 CRAFT (Community Reinforcement and Family Training) sertifikacija
2020 - Now Lithuanian University of Health Sciences; Speciality: cognitive and behavioural psychotherapy
2017 - 2019 Vilnius University; Speciality: Clinical Psychology
2013 - 2017 Vilnius University; Speciality: psychology; Degree: bachelor's degree
2009 - 2013 Panevėžys Juozas Balčikonis Gymnasium
2022.11 Crisis Management Centre; Course title: Psychological support in crisis: the role of the body in trauma
2021.10 Vilnius University; Course title: Recognition of Psychological Trauma and Adaptation Disorder and Basics of Psychological Psychotraumatological Assessment
2020.10 Vilnius City Municipality Public Health Bureau; Course name: Suicide Intervention Skills Training ASIST
2019.09 Vilnius University Suicidology Research Centre; Course title: Collaborative Assessment and Management of Suicidality (CAMS) training
2018.12 UAB Edumint; Course name: Facebook communication basics
To register for the service, please call or fill in this registration form and we will contact you to arrange the best time and service for you.
Registration by phone
+370 618 11108