*8 times subscription must be used within 2 months from the purchase date.
Please register before coming to the classes.
Take care of yourself by purchasing a membership to our group classes. Choose from: Group B.K.S lyengar yoga Classes follow the B.K.S. Iyengar method. The method uses a lot of aids (belts, pads, blankets, rollers).This method helps to work the inactive muscles, allowing the body to slowly strengthen, stretch, move and become strong both externally and internally. * Classes are held on Wednesdays at 9.30 am. and 17.30., and Fridays at 9.30 a.m. Group Dao Yoga (Fridays 12 pm) Dao Yoga class combines classical hatha, vinyasa, yin yoga and breathing techniques. * Lessons are held on Fridays at 12 pm. Group kinesiotherapy for adults For those who want to get physically stronger. Training combines various rehabilitation techniques and their combinations. *Sessions are held on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 10am, Tuesdays and Thursdays at 12 pm. Functional training in a group for adults Muscle strengthening, flexibility, balance and coordination are improved according to individual needs. The unique feature of the workout is that, although it's a group exercise, each guest receives individual attention and each person does different exercises during the group session. * Training takes place on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 10.00 am, registration required. Group classes for 2 months for children: Group kenesiotherapy for children: strengthening postural muscles, improving balance, coordination and gait.
*8 times subscription must be used within 2 months from the purchase date.
Please register before coming to the classes.
To register for the service, please call or fill in this registration form and we will contact you to arrange the best time and service for you.
Registration by phone
+370 618 11108