An epigenetic test reveals your biological age and assesses 4 key areas of health - eye age, hearing age, memory age and your body's overall level of inflammation. It also provides recommendations on the most effective measures to reduce your biological age.
Genetic/DNA testing provides information about a person's genetic material and predispositions, which can be both favourable and unfavourable to health, but knowing them can make a big difference in whether or not your genes are "on" or "off".
Genetic testing assesses the following areas of health: your body's tendency to react to stress, your tendency to age/get older, your risk of injury, your sleep and mental health tendencies, your muscular health and tendencies, your skin health, your eye health, your gut health, your risk of deficiencies in vitamins and trace elements, your absorption of nutrients, and your genetic predisposition for certain diseases such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease and other health aspects.
Why is epigenetic testing recommended?
Individualizuota sveikatos priežiūra: remiantis rezultatais, galime parengti individualizuotą sveikatos priežiūros planą, kuris atitiks jūsų unikalius poreikius.
Prevencinės priemonės: sužinosite, kokie gyvenimo būdo pokyčiai gali padėti sumažinti tam tikrų ligų riziką.
Tai ne tik leidžia išvengti sveikatos problemų ateityje bet ir pagerina gyvenimo kokybę.
Tikslinis gydymas: genetinis tyrimas gali padėti pasirinkti veiksmingiausius gydymo būdus, kurie geriausiai veikia jūsų organizmą, sudaryti individualų sveikatos priežiūros planą, individualizuoti papildų vartojimą.
Who is this study for?
Epigenetic and genetic testing is suitable for anyone seeking a deeper understanding of their own body and health, for people seeking wellness and longevity, for individuals wishing to reduce their risk of disease, and for those wishing to optimise their lifestyle according to their personal genetic make-up.
Epigenetic and genetic tests are performed on saliva samples. When you are first tested, we recommend that you do both tests together to get a complete picture of your health. In the future, it is sufficient to repeat only the epigenetic test to assess the impact of lifestyle adjustments on biological age.
Testing of the sample takes up to 6-7 weeks.
To register for the service, please call or fill in this registration form and we will contact you to arrange the best time and service for you.
Registration by phone
+370 618 11108