The number of treatments depends on the client’s skin condition, the area of the body treated and the desired result. Usually 5-8 treatments are carried out, one treatment once a week, followed by maintenance treatments once a month. In most cases, the changes in the body are noticeable after the first treatment, with smoother and firmer skin.
The results also depend on adherence to the individual recommendations prescribed by the specialist. These
the effects of the treatments are cumulative, so after the last treatment the results will continue to improve for 3-4 years
over a period of months.
Before the procedure, it is essential to inform your specialist to take special precautions: if you have had recent injections of Botox or fillers (wait 1 month after the last injection), if you are breastfeeding, if you have epilepsy, if you have had any laser treatments or a deep peel within a month, if you have fresh scars or dilated blood vessels, or if you are taking any special medication (e.g. Isotretinoin).
Conditions when the procedure cannot be performed: metal implants (other than dental) or silicone injections/implants at the procedure site, implanted defibrillator or heart stimulator, autoimmune diseases related to the skin, diseases stimulated by heat (e.g. herpes simplex at the procedure site), pregnancy, varicose veins, inflammation at the procedure site, neurodegenerative diseases, cancer and pre-cancerous conditions.